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Operation Theater

We Accept All Carriers With Out Of Network Benefits, Car Accidents, Workers Compensation and Personal Injury

Across the nation, healthcare insurance providers are shifting coverage toward catastrophic care which unfortunately shifts the burden of cost to the patient. It creates higher deductible and higher copay for patients.

Healthcare insurance providers mandate patients seek care from a "Preferred Spine Surgeon or Neurosurgeon."However, the patient should be aware that "Preferred" does NOT mean YOU prefer that Neurosurgeon or Spine surgeon. What it truly means that the insurance company PREFERS you to seek care form THEIR choice of Neurosurgeon/Spine surgeons who may have agreed to steep discounts in favor of the insurance company. The main reason that a Neurosurgeon/Spine surgeon may agree to be in network with insurance companies and accept steep discount is that they aren't in great demand and their schedule is wide open. Contracted in-network providers are counting on insurance companies to force patients into their clinic doors. In addition the less busier surgeons who accept discounted rates from insurance companies are most likely the one who are not keeping up with the most cutting edge technologies. The majority of these surgeons operate through long painful incisions that cause major blood loss and longer hospital stays/recovery. In contrast, the more in demand Neurosurgeon/Spine surgeons who stay out of network are the ones who incur the additional time and cost of training to perform minimally invasive spine surgery through tiny half-inch incisions, accessing the spine through tubular retractors with less blood loss and shorter hospital stay/recovery. Most Spine surgery patients at Prime Neuro Spine Institute are able to go home the same day after spine surgery with less pain and faster recovery. 


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